
Oct 25, 2019

“Vanishing Joy”, “Living Dead” and “Spreading Joy”

Cheryl came all the way from Washington D.C. for her session yesterday! A while back, she contacted me, hoping to be a part of the After the Abortion photography series. She asked me if I could make her into a zombie…and I was rather speechless. But when she explained to me that after her abortion she described herself as the living dead (before that term was made into a tv show), I thought this might be a very good way to portray the emptiness that was inside of her.

Thankfully she was able to find new life and restored joy through Jesus! Not only does Cheryl spread joy wherever she goes, she is also an author and has written the book “Retested” to tell her moving story.

(I also wanted to add that these photos have nothing to do with Halloween. She was on her way to a conference, so it was purely coincidental that her photo shoot ended up this month.)

“I Wasn’t Okay”

This was the final photo from her session. Her quote absolutely breaks my heart!