
Feb 27, 2019

Danielle was my first participant for the After the Abortion photography series. When I read her story, I was moved to tears. Her photos were the first ones seen. They are a significant part of this series!

This is her story…and I believe it will touch your heart as well.

“Linden comes to me in my thoughts, dreams and prayers as a 3ish year old boy with sandy blonde, curly hair, dark skin and wearing a red shirt and navy blue shorts. He’s running in the front of the laundromat on the corner of Lake Ave. and State St. in Fort Wayne, IN. He’s ALL boy! He has a big smile on his face but looks lost; like he can’t find someone he needs. Sometimes I hear his raspy vice call out, “Momma?!”

Linden is my burden. He is missed everyday and I’ve wept for him for the past 23 years. He’s never been held on earth but I find solace in knowing he is held eternally by his Heavenly Father and Mother.

He never learned to color, write his name, ride a bike, felt the wind on his face as he played at the park, learned the game with his buddies on a baseball team, heard me cheer for him as he rounded the bases or caught the winning TD. He never learned to play chess, an instrument or debated a classmate on a current event.

I know he would’ve loved to do all of that and more if I just would’ve given him that chance. Instead of being a burden in my womb he’s been a burden on my heart. It’s painful. Everyday.

I had family and friends who had nothing but good intentions encourage me to not “burden” myself with a “mistake”. Because of my abortion I’ve carried this burden over half my life; contrary to what they were hoping to shield me from. At times it’s been very hard to “get on with my life”. I don’t blame them but have great love and sadness for them and hope they feel the loss of Linden as they watch me mother my earthy family.

Abortion hurts. I’ve been through and continue to get help healing. I truly believe it will take my lifetime but I have hope in the process through Jesus Christ.”